Friday, June 22, 2007


Thanks and love flow to all of you who gave me advice, good notions, and pure hope for parenthood. My little one, it appears, was not destined to walk here. Less than eight hours after I posted a celebratory comment on Cap's page about the blessing of fatherhood, my baby died. Am I still counting blessings? Good question.

The answer is YES.

My child's mother lives on, and her recovery is happening quickly and with little discomfort. Family and friends are listening with love for any word of grief--without forcing advice or pushing me to feel on their time schedules. Life is still life; death is still inevitable. King Solomon spoke of moments like these centuries ago in Ecclesiastes, and the reminder is emblazoned on my third-eyesight:

Time and chance happen to all.

I was not promised to live my dream of fatherhood. I was never told that I would have a lifetime with my child. Frankly, the only promise I held before the miscarriage was that God would heed my prayers and protect my child from harm. I am so grateful that my son did not suffer more and that his mother was able to know her body and feel its changes. There could have been a myriad of horrible misfortunes that befell my seed and his mother earth...but they did not. Thank God for sparing both of them any additional pain.

Faithful believers, pray for us. Hope-filled friends, send positive vibrations toward San Diego. Thank you all, and love to you all.


Shai said...

My prayers are going up. God bless you and your family.

CapCity said...

Ced, u know u r in my prayers - more than usual.

CapCity said...

also want to say u are a strong brother to bare your soul like this with us...HUGZ to you & your partner/mate.

Andrew The Asshole said...

Ask the Ass Mondays are coming up don't forget to submit your questions.

Man you are in our prayers... sorry to hear this man

Unknown said...

Thank you all for extending the support. Cap, I appreciate the feeling, but that label may be premature. Right now, I'm just letting things go with the only medium that has ever worked for me: writing. Perhaps the jury is still out on my "strength"...

Shai and Andrew, thanks for the prayers. Cap, I never worry that won't stand in the gap--you have a long track record of doing that by request and with no request. Thanks.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Strong indeed my brother. Strong indeed. I'm saying a prayer for you now.

Peace to you and yours.

Jacqueline said...

Prayers going up right now...
Continued blessings

Unknown said...

I'm glad I stopped by here again! Rich and Jacqueline, thanks!