Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Music: Rhymefest's STOLEN

Perhaps you should read the preceding post FIRST. I posted this video because the imagery and the message stunned me, prompting me to write the missive in the last post. Watch, listen, and please leave your thoughts.


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Damn! That was deep.

Unknown said...

S-68: What's up, fam? Yeah, Rhymefest gave me a ribshot with this piece. I see that losing his IPod and learning that some idiotic nut found it and decided to post all of his new project's tracks on pirate websites did not slow Fest's mode one bit. He has an amazing way of painting a visual with a good rhyme, and the subject matter in this song is...mind-blowing.

The last verse struck me most powerfully; I wonder how many of my Motherland neighbors here in San Diego, a city filled with African immigrants, deal with the moments when they see American faces that look too much like the reasons that they came to America? Thanks for stopping through, S-68.

oronde ash said...

thanks for linking me to this song. you've opened my ears a couple times the last 6 months. much appreciated. lupe fiasco's got a similar story about boy soldiers from his song "lethal weapon". check it out.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Byg! Lupe's song IS nice work. I'm glad to know that you could find something of worth here. Your blogs have taught me incredible lessons about the commonality of the human experience and brought me to quite a bit of soul-searching. Is your book in the editing phase now?