Monday, March 10, 2008

Settling the Questions

In case you had any remaining doubts about Barack Obama's ethnicity, please examine Exhibit A:

WHERE I'M FROM, a Black man gets his point across in just this sort of way. For a split second, I thought I was walking through downtown AnyCity, listening to a brotha gettin' SOMEBODY told. Dig that.

I understand that Americans love a good brawl, a tense drama, and a hero/heroine who stands on ten toes firmly planted on the pavement. My countrymen love a good show and a better comeuppance. Think about it: a group of rich men have managed continuously to start/participate in over 200 major revenue-building "conflicts" in just a 20-year span, and those scoundrels managed to convince an easily-sated public that each loss of life and waste of tax money was "the right thing to do...for the country and for democracy." When the media's anesthetic barrage of images and pundit-talk begins to wear off the American public, these same men pay for new advertising and "news shows" that spit the same lies in a brand-new wrapper all over again. It works every single time.

Obama is no idiot; Clinton & Co. simultaneously salted on his campaign and gave him an "attaboy"-- an easy way to look "polite" in front of the Mississippi voters while "steppin' on the brother's shoes." Let's tell the truth: the Clintons are hoping to give anyone who has a touch of "slowness" and the last remaining racists in Ole Miss'i a good excuse to vote for the White guy. Think I'm wrong? Think back to Bill Clinton's attempt to toss a "race card" for his wife's campaign less than a month ago.

Beware Southern men who pull your chain too quickly. I should know; I'm a Southerner. Mississippi, get online and get informed. When you're done researching candidates, vote your conscience. Clinton, stop playing "Sybil" and concede the candidacy with grace. Just my thoughts...


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i heard some preasher called his mama poor white trash - foul

CapCity said...

Did I evah tell U? BARACK iz da TRUFF! That man "ain't" hood winking NOBODY! U know what? When he becomes president & they reveal that he's cross-dressing, hiring hookers, smoking dope and what EVAH ELSE they can plant on him - I'll STILL SAY: OBAMA's the BEST PRESIDENT WE EVAH HAD!!!!

Unknown said...

TS, I saw the video. Actually, I went to the preacher's church website to get some background on the fellow. If he were a mechanic, I'd call him "shade-tree." I think the old man just wanted an excuse to talk about Obama Girl's chest over the pulpit...since that was half of his routine!

Cap, I may not trust politicians, but I like what I see in Obama. Cast against the idiot circus that is running against him in both of the "power parties," he looks golden as they show rust. His Chicago record and things I've learned about his short White House time tell me that he has a sincere desire to run the government as a good leader should. Will Congress and the Senate work with him? That remains to be seen.

One thing is certain: he can't POSSIBLY be any worse than the last 20 years' roll call of Presidents!