Monday, August 6, 2007

Common for President, Man!


CapCity said...

now, i love common & he could 'get it' - but what da HALE was he talkin' 'bout? iPhone? what that have to do w/ anything? much of this sounded like a commercial...I swear men just crack me up - i often find i don't know what the HECK y'all talking about & still get SO turned ON it boggles the mind. LOL! thanx Bro Ced - i truly enjoyed the view;-)

Andrew The Asshole said...

his new cd is pretty cool. Ced can you come through and explain your question I didn't get the wanna be part

dc_speaks said...

lol...ive only heard a few of the tracks on the new cd. i suppose i will have to go cop dat.

im sure his camp appreciated the presidential endorsement.

hottnikz said...

I'd vote for him. His cd is the best so far for the year imo.

Unknown said...

Cap, the funny thing about a freestyle is that it doesn't really have to make sense...but it DOES have to show that a bruh can use anything around him as subject matter. As for "the view"...I didn't post this for your softcore porn enjoyment! LOL!

Andrew, what's up? Sure, I'll make sure that I stop by in a minute...

DC, it's a cold CD. LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE is still my favorite of his, but FINDING FOREVER is much better than most. I live by the "5-to-ride" rule: I won't buy a CD if I can't find five songs on it that I'd like to hear in my ride on a long trip. Common has pulled it off seven times (even ELECTRIC CIRCUS--wacked out as it was--had some of the coldest lyrics in hip hop during its release time).

Hottnikkz, I agree...nothing beats a nice mix of good music, inspirational or thought-provoking lyrics, and real MC'ing.

Mizrepresent said...

"oh Ced, I luv me some Common"!

KIKI said...

I'm wit the rest of the ladies...I looooves me some Common...he'd get my vote allll day long!

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Das my nikka right dare --- I'm still pumping the last CD like it's new. I'll have to check out his new one.

CapCity said...

thanx 4 the wake up call - check yr e-messages...

Unknown said...

MizR/Kiki: Do I need to give you the same message I gave Cap earlier? Ladies, this is not the Common Clit-warming Hour! LOL!

Rich: Man, BE stays on rotation in my spot and in the truck! I won't say that FINDING FOREVER is better, but I will say that anyone who felt BE will gladly return to that same vibe.

Cap: Gotchoo, lady! Glad to see my muse is steering back to her usual way!