Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Obsessions (Rich Got Me Before the "Great Tagging Boycott" Began)

Okay, Goapele isn't my obsession--but she is SO FINE that I could write a song about it! Rich tagged me the other day before I knew about it so I will postpone the "Great Tagging Boycott" for now (and it shall be GREAT!!!). Rich, this one's for YOU! [imagine some reverb on that]

1. MUSIC: I cannot envision life without a theme song for every moment, a podcast for every mood, and a CD for every landmark in my life's terrain. My memory is tied to the music that touched me year to year, and my favorite childhood period was 1984-1993 because my generation was spawning some great music.

2. FAMILY: I am great because my family is powerful. A village raised me, and it's my time to add to its strength. God bless my child.

3. ART: A good artist's work is nearly musical in its effect and flow. Nuff respect to every graf artist who makes a sign/building/block/storefront/canvas transform into something that no one else could imagine. God bless to every poet who paints mood and heart touches with a pen/paper/keyboard.

4. WRITING: Words set me free years ago. I learned to read even as I learned to speak. Maintaining my freedom--my ability to be true to the man I am and to speak my peace--depends on my mind dropping words to page. I can't live without them.

5. BLOGGING: There is something so cool about reading your thoughts in your format. I may not agree with everything I hear (read), but I love the fact that I can hear your uncensored thought as you like it. Free speech makes me horny, baby!

Thank you for your time and attention.


Saadia said...

I hate being tagged, but I LOVE reading other people's tags. They are so revealing! Nice job, Ced.

Unknown said...

Tell me about it! That's why I'm officially starting the "Great Tagging Boycott" RIGHT NOW! LOL!

CapCity said...

I agree w/GG - love reading other's responses to Tags! But, I have so much in me already that I don't like the Tag/Speed bump in my mind's road:-).

ANYwho - before i went off on that tangent I wanted to say that I LOVE the PASSION evident in your responses Bro Ced! Then I was trying to think of what OUR "theme" music would be since we met under such restricted circumstances. I HOLLERED when I realized that everytime I hear "Willie Beamon" I think of U & Our Black Italian amigo;-)...All the Ladies, u got 'em screamin'! LOL!

Andrew The Asshole said...

Being tagged wasn't bad, but I've only been doing this a month. The freedom to write and be critqued with little to no filter is a good thing.

I use to be into music and art... I wish I hadn't given them up. I'm working on my writing now

Great post

Rich Fitzgerald said...

cool beans man. cool beans.

Unknown said...

Cap, you're cracking me up! I'm worried about the "Black Sicilian" (he loved his pops, but he claimed his mother's lineage) since he seems to be "Mr. X" these days. I'm calling him tomorrow. And thanks for loving the words here. After all, you inspired me to open up years ago. I'll never be able to repay that, C.

Andrew and Rich, I'm glad that you're riding with me!