Thursday, May 3, 2007

I Am Right Here

I am right here
No path away from you
Exists in my periphery
My ten toes are stapled
To the earth beneath us
Is that too temporary
For you?

Shake that feeling
Treat it as sand
On your beach towel
As you approach your car
I am right here
Gone nowhere
Still breathing the same air
As you

Still loving you


Mizrepresent said...

Nice, my brother!

CapCity said...

If I didn't love u in the way that I do - I'd be jealous;-).

Unknown said...

MizR, I appreciate ya!

Cap, you would never have a reason to be jealous! (Sexy self!) This is a reflection on a past love...a good one that went the way it had to go. We're still great friends, know how it goes.

CapCity said...

Thanx, Ced...i really needed to hear that this video selection, too. Jill Scott's the best friend I never met:-) LOVE that sistah!

Unknown said...

After watching her live here in San Diego and falling in lust/like with her, I feel just the same way.

Mizrepresent said...

It's nice to be appreciated Ced!

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Man we were on the same groove. I started to feature this song on my blog. Maybe later.

Unknown said...

MizR, WE--the men of the world--like being appreciated, too.

Rich, post it! Ain't nothin' wrong with spreading some great music around!

Sheletha said...


Saadia said...

I love the music...but I love your words more.

"My ten toes are stapled..." Brilliant.

Unknown said...

Sheletha...I'm glad you like it.

GG, you have me blushing over here! Thank you!

nikki said...

"My ten toes are stapled
To the earth beneath us
Is that too temporary
For you?"

WHA...those lines right there scooped me up and placed me right there in the sand. i'll be pulling grains of that stanza from my skin for the next week...

Unknown said...

Haha! Thanks, Nikki! Enjoy that sand!