Monday, April 23, 2007

My Unborn Child

Forgive me, child
I have ushered you
Into a place that will try
To kill your initiative
And drain your power

But remember that I gave you
Reserves that replenish
When tears fall
And hurt steels
And confidence wains

I am your father
My Father gave you
As my unexpected gift
Before I could see
The outline
Of your forming self
I loved you

I am your example
You will see my
As stepping stones
To your easier walk
In a tougher life

I wish that your path
Could be easier than mine
But life does not work
In retrograde

The Master set the path
And its speed
It is my job to teach you
How to make your way

I will teach you, child
I will bare my soul
And open my heart
You will be equipped
And I will be your shield
And spring

That, my child
Will never


Saadia said...

Very provocative. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Thank you. I guess you know WHY my head is in this zone!

CapCity said...

Beautiful peice, Ced.

Mizrepresent said...

I agree, for you to even speak of such, a love, connection to an unborn child, is immense, and should be commended.

Unknown said...

Thanks, ladies.

JustMeWriting said...

YES...I'm repeating you Miz, just for them to be spoken by, and excuse me, but from a truely something special...thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wow, JMW--thanks...but there are many brothas who love their children and the women who bear them who express it all the time. I've spent years watching them. As a matter of fact, that will be my next post's subject.

Rich Fitzgerald said...


There is nothing like the blessing of children. They are the manifestation of the words "the two shall become one flesh".

Unknown said...

Exactly, Rich.