Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Virgin Words

I'm new to this spot.

I request the same things that a sweet young virgin girl would ask a moment before the first thrust:

Respect me during and after this moment.

Be gentle until...I warm up to you.

Don't lie to me, and I won't lie to you.


CapCity said...

puh-leeze, Ced. U can take the heat! just BRING it!;-)

Sheletha said...

Come hard or don't come at all....

CapCity said...

Ced - when r u going to add more to this????? may have to remove the link from my page :raised brow:....c'mon, now, bruh!

Unknown said...

Well, well, well...I've been challenged by the sistas.


Let's start with some poetry...

Celia said...

Okay, here I am, you know that I must really love your work to go through the annoyance of filling my brain with yet another password and username to remember. I think I'm working backwards. Whatever. Anyway, I'm off to figure this thing out. It might be fun.