Saturday, February 23, 2008


The truth is the hardest pill. Swallowed whole, it heals to the marrow of man.

When people speak the curious notion that America may not be ready for a Black president, remind them that Blacks' ruling well over powerful governments predates the "youthful" history of our nation.

Hatred destroys nations; love builds mighty kingdoms.

Drop the race-baiting and let a legal and untampered ballot answer the question for once and for all...

Then, and only then, will we KNOW.


Anonymous said...

"The truth is the hardest pill. Swallowed whole, it heals to the marrow of man."

Isn't that the truth. The truth really does set us free. The hardest part is, in fact, swallowing that pill. In this case, I think our nation has no other choice.

Unknown said...

Well said, B_MBL.

Baltimore? Tell me, how accurate is the HBO series THE WIRE?

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Brother that was very imformative, and the musical selections didn't hurt a bit either. I have always wanted to dive more into this aspect of our history, but have only managed to touch it at a surface level. Thanks for the post.