Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No More a Casualty

Poking around on Youtube in a "munchies for music" moment, I found this video of a young singer named Rene Sebastian at a spot dubbed "Blowout Lounge" somewhere in NYC. Lyrics catch me, and this song had an interesting message: What can a woman (or a man, too!) do to stop the cycle of becoming a "casualty of love?" How many bad relationships, spurned loves, achy-breaky hearts, and joy-pain/sunshine-rain commitments must a person endure before he or she finds a different way? Do we habitually keep ourselves in a heart-directed harm's way until we just get sick and tired of the same results? For those who have made the same moves to different faces more than once, what brought you back down familiar paths... and what made you walk different trails? My people, educate me on YOU!

FYI, my NYC peeps need to take me to this spot when I make the trip East!


Mizrepresent said...

Dang, quit peeking in on my life Ced...answer is i don't know...i think i pick the same type, we run into the same ish...and ends up the same way...so i must say, the change has to begin with me...now where...still searching. Great post.

Unknown said...

I PROMISE my eyes can't see that far! Respect for looking at self first...

CapCity said...

U know I'm still trying to figure this all out - starting with SELF, of course (finally;-).

Now, regarding finding this venue in da City when u & L'il Mama arrive (yea - i caught that;-): seems that Renee Sebastian is a promoter & these gigs are held in different spots...so, we'll have to look it/her up when u lemme know the date(s) of your arrival;-).
Tryin' to do my homework (like a good teachah/student:-)!
Here's what I found.

Unknown said...

LOL! I see your perceptive skills are still on point, Cap! Thanks for the link to the Blowout Lounge venture, too. I can honestly say that you have been looking at self for a long time now-- at least over the last eight years.

CapCity said...

well, Ced...since "no one else" seems to stick around for long - i figure i better keep looking at me;-)...jury's still out as new dude & i "circle" each other...so, he don't count, yet;-)

Unknown said...

The jury's still in deliberation, eh? Hmmm... we'll talk soon. My comment is for you and you alone!